Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tactical Problems in Basketball

Tactical Problem: controling the dribble during stops

Red Light, Green Light: This is a fun way to get students to work on dribbling and also to work on stopping with the ball in a controlled fashion. All players need a ball and will start at the same baseline. The coach will stand at the other baseline, calling red light or green light. When green light is called players must control their dripple as they make their way down the court. Once the coach yells RED LIGHT players must stop dribbling the ball and stop moving in a controlled fashion. Players that are caught still ,moving will have to start at the baseline over again. This is repeated untill all players have made it the other baseline. Once all players have made it to the other side, ask them to switch hands. (right hands use their left and lwft hands use their right).

This game can also be modified to make it the first one to the opposite baseline wins.

This next game works on multiple skills at once. The basic 2 offense vs 1 defense.

All players will be split into two seperate teams. Blues will go towards one basket while Reds will go towards another basket. Each team will have a volunteer to be the defender for the first round. Each team will form two equal lines in the middle of the gym. Each team will complete the same drill at the same time. 2 offensive players will head towards the basket from centre. Players must complete atleast one pass. A player must come to a complete stop to pass the ball to the second offensive player. The players are allowed to pivot and pump fakes to get the defender off balance. Players go until the defender has control of the ball or the offence has scored a basket. The player must be in the key to score in the basket. The player that shot and scored the ball will become the new defender. This drill can either go for a set time or till each player has been a defender.

the object of this drill is to work on being down a defender on the rush and for player to plant their feet, control the dribble, and work on faking the defender to increase your odds of scoring.

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